Best Asset Tracking Solutions for Hospitals

Want to spend less time looking for equipment and more time caring for your patients? Then asset tracking software could be just what the doctor ordered.

The best asset tracking systems can help you track equipment, locate nearby staff members to help with emergencies, automate your workflows, and much more.

If you’re keen on getting one for your hospital, get the quickest treatment in the form of our free comparison tool, which you can use to get custom quotes sent to you in no time!

However, if you’d like to know more, we’ll discuss the benefits of asset tracking for hospital and list our top supplier picks, highlighting their pros and cons.

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Asset Panda

Guard RFID


ASAP Systems

Best For

Large hospitals and healthcare networks

Best For

Facilities of all sizes seeking flexibility

Best For

Healthcare facilities prioritizing asset protection

Best For

Hospitals focused on patient safety and device accuracy

Best For

Hospitals and clinics in need of inventory control

Key Features
  • Real-time location tracking
  • Integration with healthcare systems
Key Features
  • Mobile app
  • Barcode/RFID tracking
  • Maintenance scheduling
Key Features
  • RFID solutions, security features
  • Anti-theft measures
Key Features
  • Real-time location systems (RTLS)
  • Environmental monitoring
Key Features
  • Inventory management
  • Customizable workflows
  • Reporting

1. Zebra: Best Software for Hospital Staff Tracking 

Designed specifically for tracking healthcare assets, Zebra is one of the best suppliers around for hospital asset tracking in Australia.

Zebra will design a staff tracking solution to suit your needs, combining ID card printers with RFID readers so your employees can regularly update their location around the hospital. Zebra also provides its own all-in-one software to help your staff stay connected while working at full efficiency.


  • Impressive range of equipment available
  • Software is designed specifically for the healthcare industry


  • Relatively expensive
Did You Know?

Hospital staff tracking software can help your workforce and patients in many ways: 

  1. Automate workflows to increase team productivity
  2. Shut off alarms when a nurse enters a room
  3. Improve your emergency responses by locating the closest staff members

Already like the sound of hospital asset tracking? We can get the ball rolling right here, right now. Simply tell us what you need from your hospital asset tracking system, and we’ll match you up with the suppliers that best suit your requirements. You’ll have finished our web form before your next cuppa.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll then hear from suppliers who’ll offer totally free, non-obligation quotes. If you’d like to know more about the best suppliers in Australia, then just carry on reading.

2. Asset Panda: Best Software for Hospital Equipment Tracking

Asset Panda provides a single system that any number of hospital staff or volunteers can access, helping the entire workforce locate and assign equipment without a hitch.

Its software will tell you exactly where your most valuable assets are and what condition they’re in, ensuring you only use the most effective tools and machinery to help your patients.

You can also track maintenance schedules and plan when to service your assets at the right time, which can help to massively reduce asset downtime – saving you from spending unnecessarily.


  • More affordable than Zebra
  • Very easy to use


  • Not suitable for hospital staff tracking
Did You Know?

Lifecycle tracking is when the asset tracking software analyses the asset’s usage – from deployment to maintenance and/or disposal – helping you decide when to relocate, upgrade, or remove the asset at the most cost-effective time.

Some of the most common physical assets in hospitals include:

  • Equipment and machinery
  • Medication
  • Beds
  • Medical waste
  • Patient documents
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3. Guard RFID: Best RFID Hospital Asset Tracking

Work in a huge hospital? Guard RFID’s floor discrimination feature can accurately locate your tools and equipment no matter the complexity of the building. With these real-time location updates, you can also reduce asset loss or theft.

You can also use the RFID technology to alert your system if an asset is moved unexpectedly.

Best of all, though, you can integrate the Guard RFID technology with your own hospital management software, meaning you can bolster your room access security and improve your efforts when tracking down patients using the RFID tags.


  • Excellent location update features
  • Can integrate with your own hospital management software


  • Only suitable for large hospitals
Did You Know?

Radio frequency ID tracking is one of the most popular ways to manage your assets. When tagged with an RFID chip, your asset will transfer data about its location and status directly to your own management system.

RFID is commonly the technology found in ID cards when staff ‘tap in and out’ of the building. The RFID tag is located within the card while a reader is attached to the hospital wall, which can help with hospital staff tracking.

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4. Centrak: Best GPS Hospital Asset Tracking

Using the world’s most accurate RTLS (real time location services), CenTrak delivers quick and accurate information on the exact location and condition of your most critical equipment using GPS and RFID.

By offering such precise location data, CenTrak will help to massively reduce the time your nurses and doctors spend searching for tools, spare beds, or PPE (personal protective equipment), thus maximising efficiency – which means more happy patients.


  • Provides asset location data with 100% accuracy
  • Very easy to use


  • Doesn’t offer barcode scanning
Did You Know?

Similar to RFID technology, GPS asset tracking provides real time location data for your assets. Unlike RFID, though, GPS uses satellite tracking for its location updates, rather than radio frequencies sent between the asset and receiver.

5. ASAP Systems: Best Barcode Hospital Asset Tracking

Barcode scanning can’t match RFID or GPS tracking for time efficiency, but it more than makes up for it with its affordability and ease of use.

With this in mind, Asap Systems does barcoding best. It offers unrivalled barcode tracking reporting features, while providing highly accurate inventory levels which can help you identify which types of PPE need replenishing A.S.A.P.


  • Brilliant reporting features
  • Very affordable


  • Not suitable for large hospitals
  • Doesn’t provide GPS or RFID tracking
Did You Know?

Barcode scanning is the most affordable hospital asset tracking solution on our list. However, it’s not to be sniffed at. It’s a tried and tested method (barcodes have been around for a long time), allowing you to print labels onto your assets which can then be scanned whenever someone uses or replaces that asset.

By scanning the barcode, you can also receive information on the asset’s condition and usage history, depending on the system you’re using.

Start helping your staff and patients with a new asset tracking solution...

Benefits of Healthcare Asset Tracking

Hospital asset tracking will benefit your hospital in many ways, from helping patients to saving money. Let’s discuss those benefits in more detail…

Improves Patient Care

Investing in hospital asset tracking will help your patients. Plain and simple. This software will give your doctors and nurses the ability to locate tools and equipment more easily, while notifying them when the asset requires maintenance.

This means your staff can spend less time searching and more time treating people. Remember, nurses around the world spend on average 6,000 hours every month just looking for equipment – asset tracking is a quick, effective fix for increasing staff and patient satisfaction.

Some asset tracking software can be designed to shut off patient alarms when a nurse enters the room, helping to reduce ‘alarm fatigue’ for your patients and create a more relaxing working environment.

Saves Money

According to research, it’s estimated that around $4,000 worth of equipment is lost or stolen in the average hospital, per year. Asset tracking, with its RLTS (real time location services), can help to significantly reduce that figure by providing real time location updates for all your tracked assets. This technology can also help to prevent theft.

By tracking the lifecycle of your assets, your asset tracking software can notify you when each tool or piece of equipment requires maintenance. This can save you from spending unnecessarily on servicing or replacing your assets.

Next Steps

We’ve prescribed the best healthcare asset tracking solutions, covering everything from hospital staff tracking to barcode scanning technology. By now, you should now know which option is best for your organisation.

But how much will it cost you? Given that most suppliers offer bespoke pricing, it’s hard to pin down a price. The easiest way to get an accurate quote is by talking directly with the asset tracking supplier – and we can help you do just that.

We can match your healthcare business with asset tracking suppliers that best cater to your exact needs. To get started, simply tell us what you need, and you’ll then hear from trusted suppliers who’ll provide free, non-obligation quotes. It couldn’t be easier.

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Dan’s a Senior Writer at Expert Market, specialising in digital marketing, web design, and photocopiers, amongst other topics.
Reviewed by:
Maïté Bouhali
Maite began her career with Expert Market nearly four years ago as a writer. She quickly developed a passion for the challenges faced by small businesses and now endeavours to help them make informed decisions for their future. In her current position as Business Software Editor, Maite works closely with writers to ensure that each article is informative, well-researched, engaging, and actionable for readers. With extensive knowledge of CRM, vehicle tracking devices, and fuel cards, she is meticulous in her review of each article and provides detailed feedback before publication. Whether you're seeking to stay informed on the latest trends in business software or need guidance in selecting the most appropriate software for your organisation's needs, Maite is here to help. With her sharp eye for detail and commitment to quality, she is dedicated to supporting businesses in achieving their goals.