Written by Matt Reed Reviewed by James Macey Updated on January 6, 2025 On this page Quartix Review: Summary Quartix's Layout Quartix's Features Quartix's Help & Support Quartix's Plans and Pricing Quartix vs Competitors How We Reviewed Quartix Expert verdict Expand Our site is reader-supported – by clicking our links, we can match you with a potential supplier, and we may earn a small commission for this referral. Quartix offers GPS tracking software used by over 25,000 fleets in 2025. And, in this Quartix review, we’ve found out why it’s an attractive option.Our testing shows it offers all the core tracking features, for both past and present journeys, that you come to expect, alongside data of vehicle journeys, incidents, and inspections logged on the web-app software. Its software is very functional and had very little wrong with it during our time using it. And best of all, we believe it to be low cost and offer short contract lengths.However, Quartix lacks some of the advanced capabilities present in other fleet management software we’ve tested, including Verizon Connect and GPS Insight. Read on for a deep dive into its interface, features, pricing, and how it compares to other fleet software. Quartix 4.1 Pricing Custom quote-based (previously $14.90 - $22.90) Strengths One of the cheapest providers on the market Provides free installation You can trial the software before you commit to a subscription Weaknesses Doesn't automatically optimise your routes Lacks automated maintenance scheduling tools No vehicle diagnostics capabilities Pricing See more See less PlanPrice (per month, per vehicle, billed annually) Infopoint Custom (previously $14.90) Infoplus Custom (previously $18.90) Infoplus + driver ID Custom (previously $22.90) Quartix Review: Test Summary Having recently tested and reviewed GPS Insight and Verizon Connect, Quartix is a more back-to-basics approach to fleet tracking software. It offers live tracking, route histories, and vehicle metrics for journeys, incidents, and inspections.The web app is incredibly functional with an intuitive interface that utilizes easily interpreted icons to make for a simple navigation process (albeit, I found jumping between features frustrating due to its lack of memory). It also has some of the fastest loading speeds for retrieving reports and accessing other tools I’ve experienced with fleet software (even if its refresh rate lags behind the top providers at one minute).These speeds could be down to a comparative lack of software complexity. If you’ve come looking for advanced smarts for fleet management, such as route optimization, driver dispatching, and in-depth reports on driver safety and efficiency, Quartix isn’t for you. It purely focuses on fleet tracking past and present, leaving you to analyze the data it reports (other providers certainly offer more granular information) yourself.Still, should this be enough for your fleet operations – and I’d say fleets on the smaller end of the scale will be better suited to it – then Quartix does everything it sets out to with extreme poise and precision. Matt Reed Senior Writer at Expert Market Quartix Review: Interface Layout and Core NavigationAfter logging into Quartix, I was greeted with the Quartix logo on an otherwise empty default landing webpage – save for some small text detailing its customer support phone number and email address at the bottom of the screen.By default, the Quartix layout has a deep green colour scheme to match the Quartix branding paired with sleek, curved interface features and sans serif text, as is in vogue for present-day web design - Source: Expert MarketWhile I do find its clean, clutter-free landing page appealing, it does equally seem like a waste in efficiency not to direct you straight to either a most commonly used tool, as Verizon Connect does with its Live Map view, or showcase a list of frequently used pages as GPS Insight does.Still, I don’t find that a heinous crime in the functionality of its layout. Especially since you’ve got a static navigation bar running down the left-hand side of the interface to guide you to four overarching categories (besides from the home page): ‘Live tracking’, ‘Route map’, ‘Tracking log’ and ‘Fleet’.After clicking one of the categories, a box emerges with options to select the precise data points you want to see, or in the case of ‘Fleet’ what sub-category you want to look into.Clicking on each category in the navigation bar feels extremely quick and responsive - Source: Expert MarketAs you can see, the responsiveness of clicking within the software is fast. In fact, Quartix is amongst the fastest fleet tracking software interfaces I’ve tested.Again, some users might prefer to jump straight into a tool, as you can with Verizon Connect and GPS Insight, rather than be required to select their data points first. This way, users could get an overview of all vehicles and drivers in one click, rather than two or more with Quartix.But equally, Quartix’s approach does make it easier to select the exact information you want to see. You don’t need to click additional dropdowns once inside that map since the data is pre-selected. Ultimately, your preference will come down to what type of data you are most regularly checking.By clicking the cog in the bottom left-hand corner, you can access and edit configuration settings for your Quartix profile - Source: Expert MarketTo access your ‘User’ profile, ‘Help’ resources and ‘Configuration’ settings, you’ve got three further icons in the bottom left-hand corner of the interface. The ‘Configuration’ tab has the most feature-related tools, as you can see above. Namely: ‘Custom locations’, ‘Geofences’, ‘Inspection templates’, ‘Inspections and vehicles’, and ‘Scheduled reports’.Some other software puts these tools as their own categories, such as ‘reporting’ sections, or as sub-tools within others as with geofences on a tracking map, though I found Quartix’s setup just as accessible.Interestingly, unlike any other fleet management software we’ve tested, Quartix also allows users to opt for its ‘Classic site’ layout instead of its default, modern interface. An image of the classic interface can be seen below.Quartix's 'Classic site' is more basic in its aesthetic, using words and straight edges rather than the icons and curves found on its modern interface shown below - Source: Expert MarketI think that’s a great option for customers who are accustomed to the software’s old navigation style and aesthetic. Even new customers might prefer the old view’s extensive dropdown options, and offering the choice of both is a major benefit.Though, strangely, there are some category sections present on the old interface, like its dashboard, that I can’t find on the new version. This lack of joined-up thinking is frustrating and could be a major annoyance for long-standing Quartix customers who will have to drop into the old design to find certain features. I’ve contacted Quartix to find out more about this and I am waiting for a response.I’ll go into detail about Quartix’s different features, and how they function individually and together in the next portion of this Quartix review. Quartix Review: FeaturesIn this Quartix review, I’ll be focusing the features discussion on those accessible via the current interface rather than the classic interface. I’ll also be testing the features available on the Info Plus plan, rather than the Info Point or Info Fleet plans. Let’s dive into the features one by one and how they interact as a full piece of fleet tracking software.Map interface: Intuitive icons and graphicsAfter selecting to view all vehicle tracking data in Quartix’s ‘Live tracking’ dropdown menu, I met a screen consisting of a table displaying information about each vehicle (including registration, vehicle description, current status displayed as an icon, and latest location) and a map view showing the live status of each vehicle through arrows to show direction of travel (or a stop sign if stationary) overlayed on Google Maps.The map view within the Live tracking section of Quartix is automatically scaled to show the vehicle data you have selected to show - Source: Expert MarketWhile the live status signs are features of all the tracking software I’ve tested, what’s different is speed being represented by different colors. Other providers simply have a color for moving, stationary, and stopped, so this added level of detail is welcome (once you get your head around Quartix’s comparatively more complex key. It is represented as follows:Black square: The vehicle has stopped with its ignition offPause symbol: The vehicle has stopped with its ignition onGreen arrow: A speed lower than 30 mphYellow arrow: A speed between 30-50 mphBlue arrow: A speed between 50-60 mphOrange arrow: A speed between 60-70 mphRed arrow: A speed greater than 70 mphAnother difference is that each vehicle type is visualized on the map as an icon, from a regular car or van to a haulage transit van or truck. It makes it extremely easy to tell what type of vehicle is where in one glance and isn’t something I’ve seen on other fleet management software. Most alternative software will have this information revealed upon hover or click and only displayed in text form.Clicking on a vehicle in the table brings up the information in this image, though you can also hover over a vehicle for its status in short - Source: Expert MarketClicking on a particular vehicle in the table will jump you to its position on the map – as seen in the image above. It will also bring up precise details about its current status, including speed, direction, and time of the last update in a very similar manner to Verizon Connect.It’s worth noting that you get a lot more vehicle information after clicking a vehicle on GPS Insight’s map view by comparison, including an odometer, temperature sensor readings, maintenance histories, and more. Nevertheless, Quartix supplies the essential information you would expect of a live tracking map view.And below these details is a graph displaying the range of speeds the vehicle has traveled at on its current trip, with the current speed displayed in red, which is something I haven’t come across using other fleet tracking software. In my view, it is pretty valuable for understanding how fast a driver is traveling without needing to dive into trip reports or visual replays.Vehicle information is displayed in a instantly legible manner via Quartix - Source: Expert MarketAdditionally, you’ve got options to follow the vehicle (meaning the map position will keep the vehicle centered when new data arrives), as well as dive into the tracking log of a particular vehicle or replay old routes on the route map. I’ll be discussing those two feature sections next. Customize the map view to your liking It’s also worth highlighting that via the top right-hand corner icons, you can toggle several additional overlays on or off, too. They include live traffic data, geofences, custom locations, and your own custom map overlays built with a Google account. Plus, you can remove the table from view, or move it to the top of the page.Route map: Easily tracked driving historiesYou can access the route map using the left-hand sidebar. You’ll need to select what data you want to be shown before you can view anything: vehicle or driver, vehicles/drivers from a particular custom group, exact vehicles, and a start/end date to replay routes across.Once you’ve confirmed your selection, you’ll be able to see all the routes taken across that period for a particular vehicle or driver. By default, this is broken down into different trips across the selected period, with the first in the sequence shown on the map using the colored arrow system of the Live tracking page.The Route map in Quartix lets you easily see routes previously taken by drivers within a specified time period - Source: Expert MarketBelow the map is a bar that represents a timeline of the vehicle’s route history between the selected dates. On the timeline bar, green represents traveling while orange represents stationary with ignition on, and clicking on a section will also select that route to view.You can also opt to view all the trips in the selected period at once, as well as swiftly replay a route as if you are riding along with a driver (you can decide how fast you prefer it via the settings in the top-right corner). Via the settings toggle, you can also toggle on speeding violations which should be handy for fleet managers.I found all of these route-related tools worked well, and I especially liked how you could jump to a specific driver’s route history from the live tracking map too (as discussed in the Live tracking section above).My only criticism would be that it would be easier to understand the timeline bar if there were more indicators of the exact time besides the start and end dates; GPS Insight and Verizon Connect are better choices in this regard.All tracking logs can be printed and exported as a PDF or spreadsheet should you want to share the data outside the software package - Source: Expert MarketYou can also filter these tables to only see data of a specific day within that period, business or private trips only (if this is tagged on the system) or you can search for specific terms you want to see for only those that match to come up. For instance, if you want to find a trip to a specific location, you can search the address in the search bar and it comes up instantly.Tracking log: Simple driver trip tablesSetting up the Tracking log is nearly identical to using the Route map. Users need to select whether they want to view a vehicle or driver and then the specific vehicle/driver itself, as well as select a date range to view the tracking log trips.Thereafter you are met with a fairly self-explanatory table summarising a driver’s/vehicle’s travel each day of the date range you selected, or – by clicking the ‘Trip summary’ button – a table summarising each trip within that period.Quartix's incident feature shows all the incidents recorded within your Quartix software - Source: Expert MarketThe tool is useful to get a quick look at the trips specific drivers have taken, how long they spent completing those trips (in terms of travel time, time of site and idling time), and what sorts of speeds they have gone (average and max). There are also convenient icons to see a specific route on the Route map in one click, too.This data and its presentation match up with things like the Daily Report tool in Verizon Connect’s Reveal software. However, I can’t help but note that Verizon Connect offers far more journey reports such as breaking data down by distance traveled, time spent in geofenced areas, return trip summaries after jobs are complete and cost analytics for each trip. Albeit, Verizon Connect has a reportedly much higher price tag, too.Fleet tools: Handy incident and inspection recordsQuartix’s ‘Fleet’ tools – covering fleet incidents and inspections – follow a structure to the tracking log data.For incidents, you’ll be presented with a table displaying the date, registration number/car name of the vehicle involved, incident details as notes, who it was reported by, and whether anyone else was involved (after selecting what vehicles/drivers and what time frame you want to see data from).Quartix's incident feature shows all the incidents recorded within your Quartix software - Source: Expert MarketWhat’s handy is that you can dive into the details of specific incidents by clicking the icon in the ‘View’ column. This will bring up a more easily digestible report on that incident, featuring a map and any attached photographs.Clicking on an individual incident will provide all the information about what happened, depending on the level of detail inputted at the time of the incident - Source: Expert MarketThe general table layout is similar for the inspections sub-category.Scheduling reports across tracking log and fleet toolsFor the tracking log, incidents, and inspection tools, you can schedule reports to run at certain frequencies, in a format of your choosing, with data you need (for particular vehicles, drivers, or types of trip, for example, or specific data columns). This will be sent to the email addresses you attach to the report, as seen below for the tracking log section.Here I scheduled a report to occur every week, covering a duration of five days - Source: Expert MarketFeature navigation: Irritating lack of memoryQuartix is speedy compared to many other software I’ve used, as noted above. However, perhaps a reason for this speed is the software’s lack of memory.With repeated use of the software features, I found it increasingly annoying that my previous position on a certain tool wasn’t saved if I entered a different section of the app.For instance, after opening the Live tracking section to follow a certain vehicle, and quickly jumping into that vehicle’s tracking log via the on-map tools, returning to Live tracking required me to configure this page all over again.With other providers, like Verizon Connect, new tabs are opened so you can switch between tools without losing your place. I found that approach much more convenient, allowing me to dive into different features to get a full picture of whatever I’m researching. Quartix Review: Customer SupportWith Quartix, its US support phone and email/query box lines are open between 8:30 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday. It also has an online knowledge center with answers to common problems to help you solve issues yourself.That means you’re missing live chat support, as well as an email address to contact directly without filling out a query form. Plus, other providers like Verizon Connect offer 24/7 support, which could be important for fleet businesses working weekends.According to my research, the quality of this support could also be up for debate. As mentioned earlier in this Quartix review, I had difficulty understanding where the dashboard found in the old interface is located in the new interface, if it is present at all, amongst other features. I couldn’t find the answer to this in its ‘Help Center’, though it did have answers to queries across 12 different areas, with articles such as ‘how to monitor vehicle use by engine hours’ and how to ‘view and request your dashcam footage online’.Quartix's US team is based in Chicago and can be reached via telephone or its query form between 08.30am-5pm from Monday to Friday - Source: Quartix Quartix Review: PricingQuartix offers three plans to US customers, from least to most comprehensive: Info Point, Info Plus, and Info Plus & ID Driver.Since Quartix now uses a custom, quote-based pricing structure, the overall cost of each plan varies depending on the size of your fleet, specific feature requirements, and contract lengths. Rough price starting points or estimates are no longer publicly disclosed, though they were until late in 2024.We’ve included those previous prices in the table below, which also details the different features you can expect with each plan.PlanFeaturesPrice (previously)Price (currently)Info PointBasic live tracking with 2-min updates, daily logs, 12-month history, unlimited user accounts, access via Quartix mobile appFrom $14.90 per monthQuote-basedInfo PlusAll Info Point features, plus 30-sec location and 1-min map updates, driving style reports, geofencing for vehicle monitoring, speed reports, trip reports, management reports, route maps, vehicle & driver logs.From $18.90 per monthQuote-basedInfo Plus & ID DriverAll Info Plus features, plus Driver ID fobs to follow driver performance across different vehicles.From $22.90 per monthQuote-basedTo reiterate the point made at the start of this Quartix review, I have assessed the features of the Info Plus plan throughout this page. Did You Know? Since Quartix is no longer upfront about costs, just like many other providers including Verizon Connect that only offer custom quotes, it’s difficult to compare provider prices unless you get quotes from each.To make that process simpler, try filling out our quick quote-finding form. By telling us about your fleet and its unique needs, we can match you with top vehicle tracking companies that fit your requirements. They’ll then provide you with free, no-obligation quotes right away, saving you the hassle of filling out forms via every provider on the market. Quartix Review: Quartix vs Fleet Management CompetitorsThroughout this Quartix review, we’ve compared its interface and features to other top fleet tracking and management systems we’ve tested and researched. However, it often helps to see an overall picture of what each system could offer your business, including comparisons on price.Here’s a table showing the key details you need to know about our top-ranked providers so you can compare them yourself. We’ll then follow this with some more direct comparisons between two of our favorite alternatives that we tested recently: Verizon Connect‘s Reveal platform and GPS Insight. Swipe right to see more 0 out of 0 backward forward Best overall Verizon Connect Best for managing vehicles Samsara Best for managing drivers Teletrac Navman TN360 Best for fleets on a budget RAM Tracking Best for managing fuel costs Quartix 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.1 Price Custom (From £20 per month) Price Custom (From £20 per month) Price Custom (From $25/~£20 per month) Price Custom (previously from £8.99 per month for Lite plan) Price Custom (previously from £9.90 per month) Key Features Self-created reports and dashboard30-second data refreshAutomatic route optimisationPoints and leaderboard system for driver behaviour management Key Features 24/7 customer supportAutomatic route optimisationDriver messagingAlerts on engine idling Key Features Ability to track vehicles and retrieve current statusSend and receive messagesView vehicles and fleet information in real timeGet notifications Key Features Data updated every 60 seconds, 1,000 metres, or 90 degree turnCustomisation of locationsReal-time graphic dashboardPoints and leaderboard system Key Features Live trackingDaily vehicle logs for driving historyPoints and leaderboard system for driver behaviour managementCO2 emission reports Typical Contract Length 3 – 5 years Typical Contract Length 3-5 years Typical Contract Length 12 months – 5 years Typical Contract Length 1-5 years Typical Contract Length 12 months Get free quotes Get free quotes Get free quotes Get free quotes Get free quotes Quartix InfoPlus: What does it do well compared to the competition?Reportedly cheaper pricingOne of Quartix’s standout advantages over competitors like Verizon Connect and Samsara is its lower-cost pricing. With prices reportedly starting as low as $14.90 per vehicle, per month, when they were publicly available (this is no longer the case as discussed in the pricing section), Quartix could be significantly more affordable than many fleet management platforms.We are led to believe that Verizon Connect costs at least $45 per vehicle, per month for an average plan. GPS Insight is more competitive in this regard, offering a transparent pricing structure between $14.95 and $32.95 per vehicle, per month, according to its website.Still, we can’t be certain if that’s true for your fleet given the custom pricing plans each provider utilizes. You’ll need to fill out a quote-finding form to be sure of the exact price each could offer.Simplicity and ease of useMy testing of Quartix has shown it to be an extremely user-friendly and modern platform with tools that work with ease. The Verizon Connect Reveal and Samsara interfaces, while offering more extensive features, could be overwhelming for users who are not tech-savvy or who are only looking for essential fleet management tools.Whereas, Quartix has essential features like robust live tracking and reporting easily accessible without extensive and often excessive extra options to consider. For instance, as we’ll discuss below, Verizon Connect has scheduling and dispatching tools for businesses that Quartix doesn’t. This might be overblown for small fleets or businesses with small numbers of jobs per day.Shorter contract commitmentsMany of the best fleet management systems, such as Verizon Connect and Samsara, require lengthy three-year contracts. Quartix offers a much more flexible 12-month contract minimum according to our research.This makes it a more viable option for businesses that don’t want to lock themselves into long-term agreements or are testing fleet management software for the first time. GPS Insight also offers flexible month-to-month options, but Quartix’s combination of short contracts and lower pricing is equally strong for fleet operations that don’t want to be tied down.Quartix InfoPlus: Any missing features versus fleet competitors?Lack of any route optimizationA core limiting factor of Quartix is its lack of route optimization tools. Instead, Quartix is a purely tracking-centered software that leaves the route creation down to drivers.By contrast, Verizon Connect offers route optimization, allowing you to plan multi-stop routes and adapt them to last-minute changes in driver availability and live conditions on the road. Its RouteCloud algorithm works out the best way for drivers to go from one job to the next based on pre-entered data and criteria about the vehicle and any upcoming jobs.GPS Insight’s route optimization is less advanced, not adjusting routes based on live conditions such as traffic or weather. But that is still an improvement on Quartix’s lack of any route optimization tools.No dispatching tools or driver messagingSomething that is a big advantage of Verizon Connect and to a slightly lesser extent GPS Insight, amongst other fleet software, is the ability to dispatch drivers on jobs via the platform itself.As stated Quartix has no route optimising tools, it cannot therefore predict routes or dispatch appropriate drivers who may be near a new job. In fact, you can’t upload job routes to the platform at all. Nor can you message drivers on the platform to compensate for this lack. In that sense, Quartix is more focused on monitoring vehicles and drivers after trips are complete, rather than helping optimize and arrange them before they have started.With Verizon Connect, you can input jobs into its Scheduler tool, assign a technician (or get smart dispatching recommendations based on skillset, availability, and who is nearest to the job). Drivers can access the platform and mark when jobs are complete too, providing complete visibility over your fleet operations. It is packaged in an easy-to-understand calendar view, too, as seen below.The Scheduler tool in Verizon Connect Reveal Field (a particular version of the Verizon Connect Reveal web-app software) provides an overall calendar view of all the tasks your technicians are undertaking and their current status - Source: Expert MarketGPS Insight also offers dispatching software, though it doesn’t have the smarts to recommend particular drivers like Verizon Connect. And it doesn’t have any integrations to offer US customers on this front either.Less extensive reporting and alertsI felt Quartix’s reporting options were a little lacking, too. Namely, I would have liked to have seen fuel usage and efficiency reporting included by default rather than being part of the FleetCheck Fleet Management tool only integrated with InfoFleet plans.I would also like to see driver safety reporting around things such as how often drivers exceed speed limits. You can view speeds for trips in the map view, as well as the Route map, but reports specifically showing where speeding occurred would allow managers to more easily monitor and coach better behavior out of drivers.There are also no alerts to tell fleet managers when some of these conditions are breached. For instance, if there is a dangerous incident on the road such as severe speeding, or if a vehicle needs a maintenance check-up.By setting maintenance alerts, you can get ahead of any vehicle problems before they arise - Source: Expert MarketVerizon Connect offers all of these tools built into its software, albeit for increasing cost depending on the specific reporting you need. For instance, you can set an alert based on the time since a service or oil change has been completed. This approach reminds you of services rather than relying on you checking the software to manually assess the last time it had a particular type of inspection.No dashboard on new interfaceRelatedly, on the new version of the interface, there is no dashboard to view. I’d argue dashboards are much more easily interpreted than tables found in Quartix’s Tracking log and Fleet tools.By comparison, Verizon Connect offers extensive and customizable dashboard options for different areas of your fleet operations, as you can see in the image below.Reveal+, seen here, is a version of Verizon Connect Reveal designed for large fleets, though you can use dashboards on the regular version of Reveal too - Source: Expert Market How We Reviewed QuartixWe investigated 29 market-leading fleet management and vehicle tracking systems to evaluate them in terms of functionality, usability, accuracy, and aesthetics so we can make the most useful recommendations to US businesses.Our rigorous research process means these products have been scored and rated in six main categories of investigation and six subcategories – in fact, we covered 51 areas of investigation in total. We then gave each category score a ‘relevance weighting' to ensure the product's final score perfectly reflects the needs and requirements of Expert Market readers.Our main testing categories for vehicle tracking systems are:Price: The cost associated with using the vehicle tracking software, including upfront costs, subscription fees, hardware costs (if applicable), and any additional charges for advanced features or add-ons.Tracking: The core functionality of the vehicle tracking software, which involves monitoring and tracking the location and movements of vehicles in real-time, such as GPS tracking, route optimization, and geofencing.Driver Management: The features and tools provided by the vehicle tracking software to manage and monitor driver activities. This can include driver behavior monitoring, driver performance reports, and driver identification.Vehicle Management: The functionalities that allow for the efficient management and maintenance of vehicles, such as vehicle health monitoring and maintenance scheduling.Product Features: The additional functionalities and capabilities offered by the vehicle tracking software beyond basic tracking and management, such as real-time alerts and notifications or driver routing and dispatching.Support: The resources, assistance, and guidance provided by the vehicle tracking software company to users, including phone support, email or chat support, and online forums. Verdict: Is Quartix Right For Your Fleet? Quartix is a cost-effective solution for fleets, offering all the core tracking, monitoring and reporting features fleet businesses could need on short 12-month contract minimums. We found its software to run fast during our testing, letting us get eyes on our fleet through intuitive icons and graphic map displays. Plus it has more granular data on previous trips available in its Route map, Tracking log, and Fleet feature sections.Due to its core feature selection, which does not include any particular bells and whistles, and its low-cost short-contract options, I believe Quartix is an attractive option for small—to medium-sized fleets that want the basics done right. Quartix certainly could cater to larger fleets, but you’ll be missing extra reporting, scheduling/dispatching, route optimization, and driver messaging tools that could aid your larger-scale operations. This need will inevitably vary by industry; for instance, a taxi service that relies on quickly picking up new jobs through messaging and dispatching tools will be better served by the likes of Verizon Connect, Samsara, and GPS Insight.Ultimately, your decision may come down to price. While we believe Quartix to be one of the more affordable options on the market, it now keeps its pricing private. To get a custom quote for Quartix and other providers that best suit your business requirements, simply fill out our short quote-finding form – we’ll ensure that you receive quotations from several suppliers that meet your specific business needs. Written by: Matt Reed Senior Communications and Logistics Expert Matt Reed is a Senior Communications and Logistics Expert at Expert Market. Adept at evaluating products, he focuses mainly on assessing fleet management and business communication software. Matt began his career in technology publishing with Expert Reviews, where he spent several years putting the latest audio-related products and releases through their paces, revealing his findings in transparent, in-depth articles and guides. Holding a Master’s degree in Journalism from City, University of London, Matt is no stranger to diving into challenging topics and summarising them into practical, helpful information. Reviewed by: James Macey Senior Business Software Researcher James draws on his 4+ years experience as a researcher to offer specialized advice on a wide range of categories from CRM to Fleet Management. He believes all businesses can grow if they use the right tools and services.