Whether you deal in services or products, making sales is the sometimes-difficult but ever-necessary goal of any business. With products like CRM software, you can make sure your business is primed to forge and maintain relationships with your customers, optimising your sales pipeline. Whether you're trying to bolster your marketing to attract first time buyers, manage your sales to view data and trends, or keeping in touch with existing customers, sales tools will always be able to improve your business's efficiency

CRM Software

person using laptop on a wooden table alongside another person holding a clipboard with graphics on it

The 7 Best CRM Systems for Small Businesses

For small businesses, CRM systems can help consolidate existing customer records and automate a variety of tasks and functions. Since many small businesses are pressed for time, this brings a tremendous productivity boost.

CRM, defined

The 10 Best CRM Strategy Examples

Providing examples of the successful use of a CRM strategy can be very useful in illustrating the power of the principles, processes and supporting information systems involved.

Salesperson using sales CRM to make deals in an office

The 9 Best CRMs for Sales Teams

We review and rate the best CRM software for sales teams, comparing features, pros and cons and pricing. Find out which is right for you.

Man in call centre delivering customer service

The Best CRM Systems for Customer Service

We extensively researched the top customer service CRM options on the market to bring you the best six providers. Find your best fit now.