RAM Tracking Review: Low Cost Fleet Management

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With a suite of tools to monitor, manage and schedule vehicles, drivers and jobs respectively, RAM Tracking is one of the best value vehicle tracking system providers around. While more streamlined than some competitors, small to medium-sized fleets will find its live map tracking, dedicated timeline view for reviewing routes and simple driver communication via the RAM Assist app to be more than capable and incredibly cost-effective.

In this RAM Tracking review, we’ll explore the platform’s key features and assess how they stack up against competitors like Quartix, GPS Insight, and Verizon Connect.

Compare vehicle tracking prices with ease

While we stand by RAM being one of the best systems for UK businesses, it may not have certain features that are important to you. And since it and many other providers use private, quote-based pricing, you’ll need to get a quote from each provider to be sure it is good value for your business.

If you want to save time and paperwork, use our free quote comparison tool and we’ll connect you with providers that best meet your needs.

RAM Tracking
Pricing Custom quote-based (previously £8.99 - £14 for Lite plan)

Attractive range of features considering its reportedly low price

RAM Assist for job scheduling, customer management and driver messaging

Offers one-year subscriptions unlike Verizon Connect or Samsara


Lacks automatic route optimisation

Limited advanced features like lack of predictive maintenance

Opaque, quote-based pricing means we can't be sure of total cost

PlanPricing (per vehicle, per month)
Lite Custom (previously between £8.99 for 5-year contract and £14 for a 1-year contract)
Core Custom
Plus Custom

RAM Tracking Review: Features

RAM Tracking has plenty of fleet management features worth exploring. To save on time we’ll be considering the most important among them, taking them each in turn.

Live Map view: Monitor fleet vehicles

The Live Map view shows your entire fleet in the frame by default. Each vehicle is indicated with a birds-eye view image of the individual vehicle type, such as a car or a lorry, in a similar manner to Quartix, alongside a box-out showing the driver’s name.

A small key icon sits next to the name, indicating whether they are moving (green), idling (orange) or switched off (red). You can also alter the map to show live traffic conditions or a satellite view if you prefer.

RAM Tracking live map view
The Live Map view is the default page for RAM Tracking, from which you jump off into its other tools - Source: RAM Tracking

Below the map is the ‘Live Grid’, giving further details on each driver. Namely, the vehicle registration, any assigned groupings, the last updated location (street, town, county and postcode are listed), speed and direction, the date/time of its last update, the key indicator, and the latest driving event that has occurred.

If you want to find a driver, you can easily click on either the map or grid to bring up their location on the map. From there, you can drop in on the street-view image to see what sort of area the driver is currently in and what they may be doing there.

RAM Tracking Google Street view on live map
By dropping Google Map's yellow 'Pegman' on the place you want to view, you'll get eyes on the sorts of conditions in the area a driver is currently located - Source: RAM Tracking

If you want to assign a new job to a driver and need to find who is closest to a given address, you can use the ‘Map Search‘ tool. This allows you to input a postcode and get a list of the drivers who are closest to the location, with indicators for which are currently active (though more advanced options around job scheduling do exist via the RAM Assist tool that I’ll come to later).

Route Replay: Past route reviewing

Clicking ‘Route Replay’ in the top navigation bar with allow you to view old routes of an individual vehicle or multiple vehicles at once.

You’ll then need to select a date range from the past three years of available data and click ‘Retrieve Journeys’. From there, you can click a specific route to bring it up on the screen. Handily, these routes are listed under dates with the day of the week in brackets, which is handy signposting for fleets that take regular routes on specific days.

RAM tracking software showing a map of a route taken by a driver on a specific date and time
With Route Replay, you can visualise the routes your drivers have taken with arrows showing the speed and direction a chosen vehicle has taken - Source: Expert Market

The route is plotted on the Live Map view using arrows that indicate 60-second intervals of varying speeds (shown via the arrow’s colour, as referenced in the legend on the top right of the screen) and direction. The start and stop points are clearly shown in capitalised text inside yellow-blocked boxes and the whole route display is pretty self-explanatory.

This resembles route replay tools found on other fleet management software I’ve tested, including Verizon Connect and Quartix. However, with RAM, you can’t follow along with the routes like with those two software options. Instead, the route is static and presented in full, as seen in the image above.

RAM Tracking is more basic in this sense but ultimately this doesn’t change the utility of this past route assessment feature to check in on how effective drivers’ existing routes are; it simply lacks the same sort of presentation.

Timeline: Dedicated tool for viewing driving patterns

Another feature Quartix and Verizon Connect both include in their respective route replay tools is a timeline. This visually indicates how long passages of the route took and when driving occurred during the day.

With RAM Tracking, these timings are simply listed on the right-hand side within the Route Replay tool. However, unlike these two software, it also has a separate section dedicated to viewing a vehicle or multiple vehicles’ daily or weekly timelines.

RAM tracking daily timeline
Creating and reviewing a daily timeline for a driver is via the Live Grid is pretty simply done, as this clip shows - Source: RAM Tracking

As the above image shows, you’ll be able to access a daily timeline in a couple of clicks via the Live Grid. In the timeline, green represents periods of movement, blue represents periods of idling and red represents periods of no movement.

You can also select to view a weekly timeline for a single vehicle. This shows the same information except each day is represented as an individual row. Handily, you can toggle on guidelines to help you see any ongoing trends around work start or end times, for instance. You can also toggle on stops at a saved location, shown in purple, to make it easy to see if and when a driver has turned up at one of your points of interest during the seven days.

weekly timeline for a single vehicle on RAM Tracking
By selecting the weekly timeline view, you get oversight on 24-hour period for a driver across seven days - Source: RAM Tracking

Furthermore, you can also see multiple vehicle timelines at once with the same outlined features. This is limited to 24-hour windows but that is sensible, in my view, since stacking multiple days from different drivers in the same view would get visually confusing and cluttered.

This dedicated timeline tool is a unique feature amongst the fleet management tools I’ve tested at the time of writing. Other options have a timeline tool as part of their route replay offerings, as mentioned, but they don’t allow for comparisons with other driver routes or routes across multiple days. They do have a tracking log, in the case of Quartix, or a driver log in the case of Verizon Connect, but these are reports rather than visual timelines.

Reporting: Range of reports

RAM offers several different reports including single reports on individual drivers, group reports on multiple drivers, summary reports for top-line details about your fleet and financial reports (both individual and group). For all report types, you can schedule them to run at certain times or click on each of the sections in the navigation bar to configure and run them instantly.

Looking at the ‘Group Reports’ section, for instance, we can simply click on the drivers we want to be included in the report, what period of dates to look into, what format to deliver the report in and what email addresses to send it to.

RAM tracking reporting dashboard showing types of reports you can run
You can run a variety of different reports with RAM Tracking, including reports on how green your fleet is - Source: RAM Tracking

RAM Tracking’s ‘driver behaviour’ report, as seen in the image below, is an example of how these reports are displayed. Like the interface as a whole, the report presentation is somewhat uninspiring in a visual sense but displays all the metrics you need for a given report.

In this case, that includes event incident numbers (speeding, idling, harsh breaking, harsh acceleration), distance travelled (in kilometers and miles), and time (spent driving, idling, and total). There’s also a driver score based on the time spent driving and the number of each incident, to give a quick idea about which drivers are performing best.

RAM Tracking driver behaviour report
Viewing a driver behaviour report via RAM Tracking shows key details on the drivers you selected, such as number of harsh breaking incidents and time spent idling. Source: RAM Tracking

Alerts: Configurable notifications of usage, events and maintenance

Like most fleet management software, RAM Tracking lets you set several alerts to bring your attention to certain events. That includes notifications for:

  • Location
  • Curfew hours usage
  • Towing
  • Private mileage
  • Impact (for incidents)
  • Maintenance
  • Idling
  • Overspeed
  • Extended stops
  • Ignition on/off

To set one up, select “RAM Evolution” in the navigation bar and select the type of alert you want to set up (one out of on-screen alerts, email alerts, distance alerts and curfew hours).

For instance, to set curfew hours for a vehicle, the on-page options look as follows.

RAM Tracking alerts page for curfew hours
Set curfew hours for any period of time on any day of the week and receive alerts via email if a driver uses their vehicle inside or outside of these timings - Source: RAM Tracking

Maintenance scheduling: Simple but effective

Relatedly, it’s worth highlighting that RAM Tracking allows fleet managers to set up maintenance schedules for each vehicle based on time intervals, mileage, or engine hours. This helps ensure that all vehicles receive regular servicing, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and extending vehicle lifespan.

You’ll be notified when these services are due. Once complete, you can log these tasks in the maintenance service history of each vehicle.

Ram Tracking Review: RAM Assist Platform and Driver App

RAM Tracking has a separate tool called RAM Assist. It acts as a more advanced fleet management with features aiding job scheduling, driver communication and deeper operational oversight.

Accessible via a dedicated portal for fleet managers, and its mobile app for drivers – incidentally, managers can assign users with different levels of visibility and access – RAM Assist provides a range of features designed to streamline workflow and improve productivity. Below is a breakdown of its key features, including its latest Job Assist tool:

Job Assist

The newest addition to the RAM Assist platform is Job Assist. It allows managers to create detailed job orders with specific instructions, deadlines, and priorities (levels of urgency). Jobs can be assigned to drivers based on proximity, availability, or skill set.

screenshots of the RAM Tracking RAM Assist mobile app
The RAM Assist app is a handy tool for drivers to report different things including daily vehicle checks, breakdowns, accidents, check points, fuel purchases and other expenses - Source: RAM Tracking

Thereafter, drivers with the app downloaded will get notifications about their new assignments or changes to existing jobs, to keep everyone on the same page.

Both managers and drivers can then update and monitor job statuses such as ‘Pending’, ‘In Progress’, ‘Completed’, or ‘Cancelled’. To show evidence that a job is complete, drivers can provide proof via RAM Assist with documentation, images of signatures for deliveries or any other relevant photos, plus any notes about the job in writing.

Driver communication

As alluded to, the RAM Assist interface allows for easy, direct communication between drivers and managers with its in-app messaging feature. Relevant messages can be linked to specific jobs to avoid misunderstandings, and there’s a full message history stored on the system, too.

Handily, managers can also send out mass messages or notifications to all drivers for company-wide announcements or emergency alerts. While driver-manager comms is a common feature of most vehicle tracking software, broadcast alerts aren’t something that is always an option.

Scheduling and customer management

The RAM Assist platform has a visual calendar to schedule jobs, view upcoming tasks, and avoid overlaps or conflicts. I found its visual style, laying out driver schedules side-by-side, helps in organising concurrent driver shifts and should allow for better management of workloads.

You can also adjust job assignments and schedules by dragging and dropping jobs where you want them, as the below image shows. And you’ll get an alert if any job scheduling conflicts occur, too.

RAM calendar scheduler
Once you have create a job in RAM Assist, you can then drag-and-drop it into the calendar under any driver at any time to schedule the job - Source: RAM Tracking

And it integrates these job creation and scheduling tools with customer management features, too. You can maintain a centralised database of customer information for easy access and job assignment if you frequently deal with repeat customers. This allows you to track the history of services provided to each customer for better relationship management.

And related to scheduling, you can send customers automatic notifications regarding job confirmations, estimated arrival times, or delays. And when a job is complete, you can also allow customers to provide feedback after job completion to help improve your service quality.

It’s worth noting that GPS Insight and Verizon Connect offer job scheduling and customer management tools similar to RAM Assist. They provide features that include job creation and assignment, customer data management, mobile apps for drivers, and integration with other business systems. However, the likes of Quartix do miss out on these valuable job/customer management features.

Driver vehicle maintenance checks

Drivers can perform and record daily vehicle checks using the RAM Assist mobile app. They complete digital forms covering essential inspection points, ensuring that any issues are identified promptly. Managers can create custom checklists related to the maintenance tasks they want to be carried out for consistency in inspections and record-keeping.

If a defect or potential problem is identified during an inspection, they can report it immediately through the app. Similarly, in the event of a breakdown or accident on the road, drivers can use RAM Assist to notify management instantly, too. This real-time communication means maintenance needs can be addressed quickly.

API and third-party integration

RAM states that you can integrate RAM Assist with other software systems, including CRM or accounting tools like Xero. This can be either through access to APIs for custom integrations, or with ready-to-go integrations.

It’s worth noting that the RAM Assist app also integrates with map applications so that drivers can get directions to job locations.

Ram Tracking Review: RAM Mobile App

RAM Tracking App: Web app on mobile

The RAM Tracking app offers a similar experience to its web-app, by providing a streamlined version of its fleet management tools for remote monitoring and interaction with drivers and vehicles. Its key features include:

  • Home screen: Displays a list of all vehicles with options to access the live map, find the nearest vehicle, search for specific vehicles by registration, driver, or location, and filter the view based on various criteria such as driver, registration, or event type.
  • Live Map: Provides real-time tracking of all vehicles on a map, enabling users to see current locations and movements. You can do actions such as quickly locating the nearest vehicle to a specific point and saving frequently visited locations for easy access.
  • Vehicle details: Offers detailed information about individual vehicles, including their last known location and event details.
  • Route Replay: Allows users to view historical journeys of a vehicle by selecting a date range (up to three years back), displaying the route taken on the map with breadcrumb trails.
  • Vehicle reports: Generates various reports—up to nine types depending on the hardware and settings—such as travel, stop, idle, summary, and detailed reports, helping in analyzing vehicle usage and driver behaviour.
  • Call/Text Driver: Directly contact drivers through the app for seamless communication.
RAM Tracking mobile app screenshots
The RAM Tracking mobile app, available on both iOS and Android devices, essentially mimics the web-app on a mobile device (albeit with a few less tools). Source: RAM Tracking

Ram Tracking Review: Prices and Plans

RAM provides custom-priced software packages on a case-by-case basis (as is the industry norm). Its pricing varies depending on the number of fleet vehicles, contract length, and the particular package chosen.

Unfortunately, that means we don’t the exact pricing of its packages. However, we previously dug into its Lite plan before it required a quote form for pricing and discovered it had prices from £8.99 per month, per user which is pretty affordable. Here’s a quick rundown of what each plan offers:

PlanFeaturesPrice (previously from research)Price (currently)
Lite2-minute updates, basic GPS tracking, cloud-based software, 3-month history, fleet management reminders, limited RAM Assist app, manual mileage reporting.From £8.99 (five-year contract) to £14 (one-year contract)Quote-based
Core1-minute updates, mobile app, detailed reports, automated mileage reporting, driver behaviour monitoring, 3-year history, fleet reminders, RAM Assist app, fuel, and expense management.UnknownQuote-based
PlusAll Core features plus full RAM Assist app, vehicle checks, breakdown and accident alerts, clock-in/out, and enhanced fuel discounts and insurance benefits.UnknownQuote-based

Like Quartix, RAM’s switch to private pricing means we can only compare prices we learned in the past. Quartix used to have public pricing starting from £9.90 per vehicle, per month which is similar to what RAM’s prices previously started at.

It’s worth noting that RAM also offers a lifetime device warranty, free installation, a 30-day free trial, and a 14-day cooling-off period – a user-friendly cancellation policy most providers do not offer.

RAM tracking plans listed on its website listing features offered by each
RAM Tracking list a 'Lite', 'Core' and 'Plus plan on its website, with the Plus plan being the only one offering a fully functional driver's app - Source: Expert Market

How Does RAM Tracking Compare With Other Fleet Management Systems?

We’ve compared RAM Tracking’s features with other fleet management software we’ve tested or researched across this review. But it is worth pausing to compare exactly how it differs from other top-rated options on the market.

Here’s a quick summary of several other software, featuring reported or previous pricing, some key features and what we think it is best for. After that, we’ll dive into exactly where we think RAM Tracking performs well and where other providers have it beat.

Swipe right to see more
0 out of 0

RAM Tracking

Verizon Connect


Teletrac Navman TN360


Starting Price

£8.99 (previously, now custom)

Starting Price

Custom (reportedly £20)

Starting Price

Custom (reportedly ~£20)

Starting Price


Starting Price

Custom (previously from £9.90)

Key Features
  • Data updated every 60 seconds, 1,000 metres, or 90 degree turn
  • Customisation of locations
  • Real-time graphic dashboard
  • Points and leaderboard system
Key Features
  • Self-created reports and dashboard
  • 30-second data refresh
  • Automatic route optimisation
  • Points and leaderboard system for driver behaviour management
Key Features
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Automatic route optimisation
  • Driver messaging
  • Alerts on engine idling
Key Features
  • Ability to track vehicles and retrieve current status
  • Send and receive messages
  • View vehicles and fleet information in real time
  • Get notifications
Key Features
  • Live tracking
  • Daily vehicle logs for driving history
  • Points and leaderboard system for driver behaviour management
  • CO2 emission reports

RAM Tracking: What does it do well compared to the competition?

Dedicated timeline visualisation for driver routes

RAM Tracking offers a dedicated timeline tool which is something I’ve not encountered from its competitors.

While both Quartix and Verizon Connect include timelines within their route replay features, which may be enough for some fleet managers, RAM Tracking provides a separate section specifically for viewing daily or weekly timelines of individual or multiple vehicles, as discussed previously.

This allows fleet managers to easily compare drivers’ activities across different days, while the colour-coded system enables quick identification of patterns, such as consistent start or end times. Overall, it’s a small aspect of the software but something I think is an appealing difference-maker for RAM users.

quartix replay route feature displaying a route previously taken by a driver/vehicle on a map
The Route map in Quartix lets you easily see routes previously taken by drivers within a specified time period - Source: Expert Market

Reportedly lower prices, customer-friendly policies and flexible packages

Perhaps the biggest potential boon of RAM Tracking over other fleet management providers is its reportedly low-cost packages.

While pricing is now quote-based, RAM Tracking previously offered competitive rates starting from £8.99 per vehicle per month, making it an affordable option compared to some competitors.

We believe the likes of Verizon Connect, Samsara and Azuga tend to run between £25 and £35 per vehicle, per month. Verizon Connect in particular has a reportedly wide range of prices depending on the package: as low as ~£20 per vehicle, per month to figures above the £100 mark.

Quartix is of reportedly similar cost (recently turning to custom pricing) previously being from £9.90 per vehicle, per month, but RAM Tracking may even undercut that price, too.

RAM Tracking is also known for its customer-friendly policies, like its 30-day free trial and a 14-day cooling-off period. Plus, its package deals can come in commitments between 1 and 5 years. These offerings provide businesses with flexibility and reduce the risk associated with adopting a new fleet management solution. For instance, Verizon Connect requires a minimum three-year contract commitment, albeit GPS Insight reportedly offers month-to-month contract options.

RAM Tracking: Any missing features versus fleet competitors?

Lack of automatic route optimisation

While RAM Tracking provides job scheduling and route replay features, it lacks automatic route optimisation capabilities. This means that fleet managers may need to manually plan and assign routes to drivers without the benefit of software-generated suggestions for the most efficient paths.

In contrast, competitors like GPS Insight and Verizon Connect offer automatic route optimisation, which calculates the most efficient routes based on factors such as distance, traffic conditions, and delivery windows.

The absence of any automatic route optimisation in RAM Tracking may require additional time and effort from managers and/or drivers to plan routes effectively. Its route replay tool means you can assess the effectiveness of routes over time, but it’s a more hands-on task than it could be. Similarly, you could simply integrate RAM Assist with a third-party navigation app to do this task for your drivers, such as Google Maps or Waze.

screenshot of verizon connect navigation app showing a map with a route on it under certain constraints
You can determine your optimal route based on your vehicle's weight, size and length, amongst other constraints, using the Verizon Connect Navigation app available on both iOS and Android devices. Source: Verizon

Fewer Advanced Reporting and Analytics Features

RAM Tracking offers essential reports but it may not match the depth and sophistication of reporting available from some competitors (perhaps unsurprisingly given its reportedly lower cost).

For instance, Verizon Connect provides an extensive range of customisable reports across categories like journey, activity, safety, fuel, vehicle health and work orders. It also offers advanced dashboards that visualise key metrics and trends, aiding in strategic decision-making in an easy-to-digest manner. Similarly, GPS Insight provides 39 different reporting subsections with customisable graphics on its dashboard, including detailed driver scorecards and violation reports.

Verizon Connect Reveal dashboards showing different metrics in bar charts, including vehicle activity, harsh driving and wasted fuel
Reveal+, seen here, is a version of Verizon Connect Reveal designed for large fleets, though you can use dashboards on the regular version of Reveal too - Source: Expert Market

Its maintenance tasks are another notable example of where RAM Tracking is slightly behind other competitors.

While it lets you log maintenance works and get alerts for when services are due (in a preventative sense), it doesn’t offer predictive alerts based on vehicle diagnostic data like Verizon Connect. This predictive approach over RAM’s preventative approach can help reduce risk, reduce vehicle downtime and ultimately extend the lifecycle of your vehicles and cut costs further in the process.

predictive maintenance control suggestions verizon connect
Verizon Connect's predictive maintenance, on top of the ability to prevent with custom alerts, is a step above the competition - Source: Verizon Connect
Verdict: Is RAM Tracking For You?

RAM Tracking distinguishes itself with its affordability and user-friendly approach, making it an attractive option for small to medium-sized fleets.

Previously offering prices from £8.99 per vehicle per month, it should provide a cost-effective solution without sacrificing essential features. The platform’s straightforward dashboard simplifies live tracking, while its unique dedicated timeline tool allows fleet managers to visualise driver patterns over days or weeks—a feature not commonly found in other fleet management systems.

Its separate but integrated RAM Assist sweetens its service to include advanced job scheduling, driver communication and customer management tools. And with RAM Tracking offering some of the most customer-friendly policies going, including flexible contract lengths ranging from one to five years, young businesses requiring flexibility and reduced risk may see it as an appropriate pick.

RAM Tracking does have some limitations, including a lack of automatic route optimisation or a lack of more extensive features such as predictive maintenance tools offered by Verizon Connect.

But for fleet businesses prioritising affordability, RAM Tracking offers an intuitive and uncomplicated interface with essential fleet management tools to improve your operations.

The problem with vehicle tracking, management and maintenance software providers like RAM Tracking is that they frequently use custom pricing systems. That requires you to go to each provider and get a quote for your business, which can take time.

Instead, we recommend filling in our free quote comparison tool. Let us know about your fleet, and we’ll connect you with leading system providers that best meet your unique needs, without you needing to do all the leg work. They’ll then contact you directly to share obligation-free quotes for you to review and compare.

Written by:
Matt Reed is a Senior Communications and Logistics Expert at Expert Market. Adept at evaluating products, he focuses mainly on assessing fleet management and business communication software. Matt began his career in technology publishing with Expert Reviews, where he spent several years putting the latest audio-related products and releases through their paces, revealing his findings in transparent, in-depth articles and guides. Holding a Master’s degree in Journalism from City, University of London, Matt is no stranger to diving into challenging topics and summarising them into practical, helpful information.
Reviewed by:
James draws on his 4+ years experience as a researcher to offer specialized advice on a wide range of categories from CRM to Fleet Management. He believes all businesses can grow if they use the right tools and services.